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Ultimate Guide to Car Shampoos

Alright people? Let's talk about something we all love—keeping our motors looking top-notch. Whether you're cruising through the Potteries or just want to impress the neighbours, the right car shampoo can...

Alright people? Let's talk about something we all love—keeping our motors looking top-notch. Whether you're cruising through the Potteries or just want to impress the neighbours, the right car shampoo can make all the difference. At Autobrite Direct, we've got a range of car shampoos that cater to every need, from high gloss finishes to deep cleaning. Let's dive into it, shall we?

The Basics: Why Car Shampoo Matters

First things first, why bother with a special car shampoo? You might be thinking, "Can't I just use washing up liquid?" Well, using the wrong stuff can strip the wax and protective layers off your paintwork, leaving it vulnerable to the elements. A proper car shampoo is designed to clean without causing any damage, keeping your car's paintwork in mint condition.

Meet the Shampoos: Finding Your Perfect Match

We've got a few stars in our lineup, each with its own unique benefits. Here's a quick rundown:

Purple Velvet Car Shampoo

 detailing bucket 

If you’re after that showroom shine, Purple Velvet is your go-to. This high-gloss shampoo gives your car a stunning, reflective finish that'll turn heads. It’s like giving your car a good old pamper session at the salon. Plus, it smells lush, which makes the whole washing experience a bit more enjoyable.

Decon Shampoo


Now, if your ride’s been through the ringer and needs a proper deep clean, Decon Shampoo is the one. This bad boy is designed to tackle tough grime and dirt while keeping your Last Stage Protection (LSP) intact. Think of it as the heavy-duty cleaner that doesn't mess up your hard work. Plus, Decon Shampoo is versatile—you can use it through a snow foam lance at a 10:1 ratio or through a pump sprayer application at 50:1. Proper handy, eh?

  • Best For: Deep cleaning and maintaining LSP
  • Scent: Pear Drops
  • Perfect For: Cars that see a lot of action and need a thorough wash
  • Application: Use through a snow foam lance (10:1) or a pump sprayer (50:1)
  • Discover more about Decon Shampoo

Tips for a Spot-On Wash

  1. Two-Bucket Method: Always use two buckets—one with soapy water and one for rinsing your mitt. This prevents dirt from scratching your paintwork.
  2. Wash Mitt Over Sponge: A good wash mitt holds more suds and is gentler on your paint.
  3. Top to Bottom: Start from the top of the car and work your way down to about hip height. Once you've done the car at hip height work your way down to avoid dragging dirt around.

Wrapping It Up

Whether you're cleaning your motor up for a night out in Hanley or just want to keep your car looking slick for the weekly shop, the right car shampoo can make all the difference. At Autobrite Direct, we’ve got the perfect product to suit your needs. Give your car the love it deserves, and it'll thank you by looking fantastic every time you take it for a spin.

So, get yourself sorted with the right gear, and let's make those motors shine. Cheers, and happy washing!

Explore our full range of car shampoos


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